victor mardare
5 min readApr 14, 2021


For lovers of hanging plants, Clematis is a good choice. It has a very pleasant appearance, often an enticing smell and is not very difficult to cultivate and care for. It comes from Europe and Asia, can be of several species and blooms in March-November.

The clematis plant is frequently found in people’s gardens, it is a hanging flower, which does not require too difficult actions for care and cultivation. The following text will help you to find out as much as possible about it.

1. Origins

Clematis was first located in Europe and Asia. In Romania it is found under the name of Clematis or Curpen.

2. Description

In the case of these flowers, we are talking about fast-growing climbing plants that will make your garden look very pleasant.

Clematis has woody stems, which thicken and harden over time. They are really vigorous only when they reach maturity. It usually has a height between 2 and 2.5 meters, but there are also species that can extend to 10 meters.

Clematis can have blue, yellow, pink or white flowers. Regarding the leaves, the species characteristic of a more temperate climate have more breathable ones, those that are planted and grown in a warmer, richer environment.

This flower is often used to beautify gardens, fences, facades of buildings, parks, etc.

3. Species

When we talk about varieties of clematis, you should know that they fall into two main categories:

– With small flowers

In this category we find the following species: clematis montana (looks like a vigorous liana, can reach 8–10 meters in height, has leaves consisting of three leaflets, white flowers, fragrant and blooms in April-May), tangutica (can reach up to 4 meters, has leaves made of small leaflets, yellow, bell-shaped flowers and blooms in June), viticella (reaches a height of up to 4 meters, has pink or purple flowers and blooms in June-August).

– With big flowers

Here we mention a hybrid species, obtained from clematis lanuginosa and clematis viticella. The plant can have a height of 3–4 meters and flowers of various colors — purple-blue, pink-purple, red-carmine or white.

Be careful when choosing the flower variant, because not all of them are fragrant clematis or of a certain color, but you have to choose the right one for you, the one you like best.

4. Care

You will see in the following that this plant is not very pretentious. However, you still need to know a few details about how you can take care of it, to help it develop as harmoniously as possible.

– Sol

Clematis, in order to grow as beautiful as possible, needs a rich soil with good drainage, which will help the development of healthy roots. It can be loosened with sand or peat. If you do not take care of this aspect, the plant will grow very slowly and the leaves will turn yellow.

– The light

Clematis are plants resistant to strong sun, but are not disturbed even if placed in partial shade. But be careful, because it is recommended that the base of the flower be permanently shaded.

– Temperature

In terms of temperature, clematis flower is very unpretentious from this point of view. It resists even frost, with the exception of the tangutica clematis variety, which is more sensitive.

– Irrigation

Clematis needs proper care when it comes to watering. It must be irrigated in such a way that the soil in which it has its roots is permanently moist.

– Fertilization

When you have clematis, if you want them to grow well, during the development period you can use fertilizers that will help. But be careful, because they should not be used in excess, because otherwise the leaves will grow more than the flowers.

– Preparing for winter

Clematis is part of that category of hardy flowers outside in winter, in the sense that you do not have to take it out of the ground and replant it. But you have to clean her dry leaves and twigs and let her wait quietly for spring.

5. Planting

Some gardens are full of clematis and roses, lilies and lilies of the valley, peonies and pansies and so on.

For starters, you should know that the ideal time to plant clematis is between August and October, because the heat of the soil favors development.

You need to dig a hole deep enough for your plant so that the roots are placed straight into the ground, not lying down. At the same time, find a place not very close to a wall. If you want to cover such a wall, make sure that the roots are placed at least 40 cm from it.

After you have fixed these parts well in the soil, fill the space with the best quality soil and water abundantly. It also places a support on which the plant can climb. It must be positioned as close as possible to grow as straight as possible.

If you want to branch everything in such a way as to make a beautiful crown, in the first year, cut the stem so that it is about 50 cm, above a knot.

If you want, you can also plant clematis in pots. Choose special varieties for such containers and take into account the instructions you receive, depending on the option you have chosen.

6. Multiplication

If you want to have more clematis plants, multiplication can be done by:

– Marcotaj

If you want to get a new plant in this way, you must root in May a branch that remains attached to the main one until it takes root. Then, in the fall, it can be moved to where you want it.

– Butasi

It is not a very effective method, because it does not have a very high success rate. You need a branch with three knots, cut below the bottom, then the top, the leaves at the last knot and some of the other leaves. After, the cut twig is left in water for 1–2 hours, then it must be treated with a special substance and placed in the ground and watered. Cover with a jar or bottle and ventilate from time to time so as not to mold.

– Seeds

You can sprinkle them in a container to keep inside the house or in a greenhouse. If you take care and give the plant the right conditions and if you use the soil for the right clematis, in May you will have a plant that you can move to the garden.



victor mardare

Shorty fell in love, yeah she always call me handsome